WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 21st-26th August 2018


Dublin, Ireland, has been chosen by Pope Francis to host the next World Meeting of Families from 21-26 August 2018, guided by the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”.

Held every three years, this major international event brings together families from across the world to celebrate, pray and reflect upon the central importance of marriage and the family as the cornerstone of our lives, of society and of the Church. The event has at its heart the following key moments:

  • 21 August 2018, a National Opening of WMOF2018, which will take place simultaneously in all the different dioceses of Ireland.
  • 22 to the 24 August 2018, a three-day Congress. Each day will reflect on the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World” chosen by the Holy Father and will include an enriching programme for adults of keynote speakers, workshops, talks, testimonies and discussions; an engaging and exciting programme for young people as well as fun activities for children. The Congress will also include daily celebration of the Eucharist, prayerful activities, exhibitions, cultural events and musical performances.
  • Saturday 25 August 2018, a Festival of Families, comprising a reflective concert style event within a prayerful and joyful atmosphere, in which personal stories of faith will be shared by families from all continents.
  • Sunday 26 August 2018, WMOF2018 will close with a solemn Eucharistic Celebration, that will gather thousands of people from Ireland and all over the world.


God, our Father,
We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son,

One family, in the Spirit of your love.

Bless us with the joy of love.

Make us patient and kind,
gentle and generous,
welcoming to those in need.
Help us to live your forgiveness and peace.
Protect all families with your loving care,
Especially those for whom we now pray:
[We pause and remember family members and others by name].
Increase our faith,
Strengthen our hope,
Keep us safe in your love,
Make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share.
This we ask, through Christ our Lord,


Mary, mother and guide, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, father and protector, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, pray for us

A Dhia, ár nAthair,
in Íosa do Mhac is bráithre agus siúracha sinn,
Teaghlach amháin, i Spiorad do ghrá.
Beannaigh sinn le lúcháir an ghrá.
Déan foighneach agus cineálta sinn,
séimh agus fial, fáilteach rompu siúd ar an ngannchuid.
Cabhraigh linn maireachtáil i maithiúnas agus i síocháin.
Tabhair aire do na teaghlaigh uile le do chúram geanúil,
Go háirithe dóibh siúd a nguímid orthu anois:

[Cuimhnímid ar bhaill dár dteaghlaigh agus ar dhaoine eile ina n-ainm].

Méadaigh ár gcreideamh, neartaigh ár ndóchas,
Coinnigh slán sinn i do ghrá,
Déan buíoch i gcónaí sinn as tabhartas na beatha a bhfuilimid páirteach ann.
Iarraimid é seo, trí Chríost ár dTiarna. Amen

A Mhuire, máthair agus treoraí, guigh orainn.
A Naomh Iósaf, athair agus cosantóir, guigh orainn.
A Naomh Joachim agus a Naomh Áine, guígí orainn.
A Naomh Louis agus a Naomh Zélie Martin, guígí orainn.

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