THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER – Gospel Reflection


The Road to Emmaus

The events that occurred on the road to Emmaus and in the village itself have been described as the second celebration of the Eucharist, or ‘Mass on the Move’. The first celebration as we know took place in the Upper Room on Holy Thursday night. Now on the way to Emmaus Jesus joins Cleopas and his friend and as they walk along, He opens the Scriptures to them. This is unmistakably the Liturgy of the Word. Later, when they sit at table He takes the bread, blesses it, breaks it and distributes it to them. We see in these gestures the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Then their eyes are opened. They recognise Him and hearts that were broken, become hearts that are burning. They return to Jerusalem, filled with joy, to share their experience with the other disciples. In other words they do what we are charged to do at the end of every Mass. The Emmaus story has universal appeal. It alerts us to the fact that we often encounter Jesus in the most unlikely places at the most unlikely times. We always need to pay attention to the stranger we meet on the road! It reminds us that we encounter Him most especially when we gather around the table of the Eucharist to listen to His word and to break bread together. If you have been to Mass, you have been to Emmaus.