The Dawn of Advent

In a few short hours time itself will change:

the ordinary will become an Advent of untold proportions. Advent filled from beyond ourselves, with Hope; with Patience; with Promise; with Healing; with Gentleness. Time itself will change.

On this Last Day (Saturday 1st Dec 2018) of the Liturgical Year… beautiful words from St. Augustine

“O! what a happy alleluia there, how carefree, how safe from all opposition, where nobody will be an enemy, where no-one will ever cease to be a friend! God’s praises sung there, sung here – here, by the anxious; there, by the carefree – here, by those who will die; there, by those who will live for ever – here, in hope; there, in reality – here, on our journey; there, in our homeland.

So now, my brethren, let us sing, not to delight our leisure, but to ease our toil. In the way that travelers are in the habit of singing, sing, but keep on walking. What does it mean, “keep on walking”? Go onward always – but go onward in goodness, for there are, according to the Apostle, some people who go ever onward from bad to worse. If you are going onward, you are walking; but always go onward in goodness, onward in the right faith, onward in good habits and behavior. Sing, and walk onwards.”