September 1st-October 4th Season of Creation

    Creation Time September 1st to October 4th.

    It must be said that some committed and prayerful Christians, with the excuse of realism and pragmatism, tend to ridicule expressions of concern for the environment. Others are passive;they choose not to change their habits and thus become inconsistent. So what we all need is an ‘ecological conversion’ whereby the effects of our encounter with Jesus Christ becomes evident in our relationship with the world around us. This conversion calls for a number of attitudes which together foster a spirit of generous care, full of tenderness and gratitude which recognizes that the created world is God’s loving gift

    Our Common Home is for the good of all life. These resources of our world while
    abundant, are finite, and therefore need responsible management in co-operation with
    Earth’s processes. ”Soil, water, mountains: everything is , as it were, a caress of God”
    Actions we might take:
    1 Inform ourselves about the wonder and beauty and brokenness of our world
    2 Work for healthy soil by planting trees, flowers, organic growing, composting.
    3 Ensure clean water by eliminating harmful toxins and using only what we need.
    4 Keep the air fresh by transitioning from fossil fuels.