September 18th 2022 TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Gospel Reflection


‘You cannot serve both God and money’.

The old proverb tells us that the one who serves two masters has to lie to one. Our life is shaped by the end we desire. If the end we desire is to be with God we must make our preparations now. Our future is purchased by our present. In today already walks tomorrow. The Gospel today reminds us that serving God can never be a part time or spare time job. Our commitment to serve Him will manifest itself above all in our treatment of the poor. The ‘Poor’ are mentioned in one way or another in every ten lines of Scripture. They were especially close to the heart of Jesus. Pope Benedict once said that the three tasks of the Church are: to worship God, to preach the Gospel and to serve the poor. Pope Francis took up the same theme at the beginning of his papacy when he proclaimed: ‘I want a Church that is poor for the poor’. It is wise to presume, that when we reach the end of the journey the celestial turnstiles will be supervised by the ‘Poor’.