June 16th 2024 Day for Life

    Day for Life - 1

    ‘Day for Life’: a dedicated day celebrating the beauty and dignity of all human life
    Day for Life Sunday is celebrated annually with a special message by the Catholic Church
    across Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day specifically dedicated to raising
    awareness and reflecting on the deep value and meaning of human life at every stage, and in
    every condition. On Sunday 16 June, the Church will mark Day for Life 2024 with a
    message on the theme: The Lord is my shepherd – Compassion and Hope at the End of Life.
    This year’s message reminds us that Jesus did not send the sick away, rather He showed that
    life always has dignity and that there is no such a thing as a useless life. Catholics are called
    to defend this gift of life to its natural end and to protect vulnerable citizens from a culture
    that could pressure them into assisted suicide. In this way, we are encouraged to support
    people with the companionship of a listening ear, appropriate treatment, and the best of care,
    so that their last days can be times of grace, intimacy and love.
    This message also includes a brief human-interest story about a young man named Matt, and
    the experience of a priest who ministered to Matt and his loved ones in his final months and
    days. This grace-filled time proved to be a period of intense compassion and profound
    dignity, as well as faith enriching experience of love and generosity for all concerned.
    The Day for Life message is available on https://councilforlife.ie/day-for-life-2024/

    Intercom Day for Life 2024

    Intercessions – Day for Life – June 16, 2024

    On this Day for Life, conscious in a particular way of the gift of human life
    which is entrusted to our care, we bring our prayers to God.
    1. We pray for Pope Francis, as he himself bears witness to hope in the
    frailty of his advanced years – that the Lord may strengthen him and give
    him courage to complete the mission for which he has been sent. Lord
    hear us.
    2. We pray for all who are faced with degenerative or terminal illness – that
    they may experience the healing presence of Christ in the care of those
    who accompany them day by day. Lord hear us.
    3. We pray for those who form public policy and who enact our laws – that in
    their efforts to serve the common good, they may always have in mind
    the inherent dignity of every human person, which is not the gift of
    society, but the gift of a loving creator. Lord hear us.
    4. We pray for healthcare professionals – that, even when a cure is no longer
    possible, they may continue to provide gentle and life-affirming care for
    all their patients. Lord hear us.
    5. We pray for an end to war – may respect and peace be always at the
    heart of human relationships. Lord hear us.
    6. We pray for our family members, friends and neighbours who have died –
    may they be surprised by joy as their best hopes are fulfilled in the
    Kingdom of heaven. Lord hear us.

    Lord “we proclaim your love in the morning and your truth in the watches of
    the night”. Be with us, as we accompany, in the morning and in the night,
    our sisters and brothers who live with terminal illness. Help us to be, for
    them, witnesses of your faithful love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.