July 3rd 2022 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Gospel Reflection



Let your first words be, ‘Peace to this house’ Only a disciple can make a disciple. The good disciple knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. It is not surprising, then, that Jesus’ instruction to the first disciples in today’s Gospel is direct and uncomplicated: ‘go out, mingle, travel lightly, be prepared to be hated, be present, use words if necessary, and offer the gift of peace to all’. He sent them on pilgrimage, not on parade. It is interesting that he emphasizes the importance of promoting and spreading peace at every opportunity. Peace is heaven’s greatest law. It is the greatest gift that one generation can bequeath to another. The eighteenth century Russian monk, St Seraphim, a revered master of the spiritual life, offered this striking reflection on the power and fruits of peace: ‘If I have peace in my soul’, then hundreds around me will be converted’. The Lord’s instruction goes out to His followers in every age. He doesn’t ask me if I am capable of the task, but rather if I am available?

Lord, make us instruments of your peace.


‘Nothing is lost by peace’ (Pope Pius XII).


‘Only peace is holy. War never is’. (Pope Francis)