July 10th 2022 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


‘Who is my neighbour’?

The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the best known and best loved in the New Testament. It is found only in St. Luke’s Gospel. A man lies broken and bruised by the roadside. A priest and a Levite, from whom more would be expected pass-by, each one guided no doubt by the same question: ‘if I stop to help this man what will happen to me’? But when a Samaritan, the great ‘outsider’ arrives on the scene he is moved with compassion for his stricken brother and poses himself a very different question: ‘If I don’t’ stop to help this man what will happen to him’? We rise by lifting others. The ones who stop on the road become bigger people, and they will have their reward. Those who pass by and fail to respond remain small. Consequently, when we reach the end of the road we will most likely, be surprised by those who will be present at the heavenly banquet and those who will be absent. ‘The Good Samaritan isn’t just a parable, it’s a way of life’ (Pope Francis)