January 19th 2025 Sunday Thought

‘Do whatever He tells you’

There are seven miracles of Jesus recorded in the
Gospel of St. John. They are referred to as ‘signs’.
The spectacular drama of the Wedding Feast of
Cana is a case in point. It teaches us that, when
Jesus is invited into a situation, He transforms it
for the better. He alone can restore hope when the
wine of life runs out. It is deeply significant that
the water in the stone jars was no ordinary water.
It had been used by the guests to wash their feet
as they entered the wedding hall. It was this foul
water which Jesus changed into the choicest of
wines. The ugly becomes beautiful in His hands.
The abundance of wine in the story points to the
limitless generosity of God. He takes delight in
granting us all we need. The contribution of the
servants who filled the stone jars and served the
wine reminds us that the Lord relies on us to be His
instruments in the world. And finally, we take note
of Mary’s instruction to the servants, which are
her last recorded words in the Bible: ‘Do whatever
He tells you’. It would make a wise New Year’s