Gospel Reflection Trinity Sunday June 16th 2019

Three steps of God


When you look at the readings for this Trinity Sunday they match the three aspect of God 1) First Reading – God the Father 2) Second Reading – God the son 3) Gospel – God the Holy Spirit. A lot of us say that we “pray to God.” But is that all that is happening? This day is the one day when we set our minds on our belief that God is Three in One. It’s the day when preachers would like to call in sick, or search for a Bishops letter- anything. We can think that this is too much, too hard for our minds to grasp.


But let’s take this step by step shall we. When you pray- what’s that like. You could be driving in your car, out for a walk, sitting quietly at home or in a church. You  might be asking for help or as they say ‘fessing up (confessing) that you’ve done something wrong. We might describe this very mildly as praying to God, talking to God. But isn’t that an amazing thing to do. You’re actually talking to the creator of all, the world, you, all we have and are. This is the one who appeared to Moses on the mountain, who led his people in a pillar of fire through the desert – the one Jesus spoke to warmly as Abba (“Daddy” would be a better translation)  or “Father.”


Which brings us to the second step. We do not pray on our own. We have someone by our side who prays with us- that one we call the Son. Yes that is the one sent to us to help us. We don’t just pray to God, we pray with God and God prays with us. It’s not easy to grasp this but we shouldn’t feel too bad about that. The disciples of Jesus couldn’t quite follow it either. This step takes trust- that somehow God works through this man who walks by my side.


And then there is God in our heart or guts if you like- the Spirit. We call the source- the one to whom we pray God the Father, and we call the one by our side God – Jesus and we call the one in our hearts the one in whom we pray, God for a third time- the Spirit. Three-in-one Trinity.


God help us to know you Father as the one to whom we pray; help us to know you as the one with whom we pray and to know you as the one in whom we pray- blessed Trinity one God in three.