Gospel Reflection: May 10th Fifth Sunday of Easter


I am the Way the Truth and the Life

We have all had occasion to ask for directions. It is so refreshing and quite a relief when someone says ‘follow me and I will show you the way’. That was exactly the answer that Jesus gave to His terrified and confused disciples as they sought reassurance and hope when they gathered around the table in the Upper Room on that first Holy Thursday night. When He spoke the immortal words, ‘I am the Way the Truth and the Life’, He was inviting them to follow Him and all would be well. The first Christians were known as followers of ‘the Way’ since they shaped their lives and communities on Jesus and His teachings. The call goes out to every generation of His followers to do likewise. What does this mean in practice? In answer to that question It would be difficult to improve on the beautiful exhortation offered by the prophet Micah eight centuries before the coming of Christ: ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God’. At every opportunity, we should ask ourselves what would Jesus do and then be courageous to act upon the answer. If we choose to follow that Way we will discover, in the words which Pope Benedict addressed to young people at World Youth Day some years ago: ‘Christ takes nothing away and He gives you everything’.