The celebration of Easter this year takes place in a very different way, a virtual way, behind closed n the risen Jesus Christ, he is with us, to encourage, to strengthen and to console.
We also have great hope in humanity. We are grateful to all who have carefully gone out to serve, those on the front line in hospitals and in the variety of essential services, leaders who make wise decisions and researchers who seek a vaccine.
As we face into the uncertainties that lie ahead, out hope shines brightly, and our determination to return to our places of work and to live without fear is strong. The experience of the essential restrictions teaches us that we wish to go out, we wish to be with people, to meet up, to chat and to enjoy company. The Easter Message has its origin in the dark days of Jesus’ suffering and then blossoms into the Good News of resurrection. Our hope is firm; it is based in Jesus Christ and in the goodness of humanity.
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