December 29th 2024 Feast of the Holy Family


When Jesus pitched His tent among us, He
dignified family life forever. If proof is needed
of the significance and sacredness of the family,
let us gaze once more at the crib. As we do, the
words of Pope Francis echo in our ears: ‘family
is the most beautiful thing God made; without
family humanity has no future’. Today’s feast is
well-placed, coming as it does, in the season of
the family, and on the threshold of a new year. It’s
a moment to remember with gratitude the cradle
from which we came. We salute our parents.
Every word and deed of a parent is woven into
the fabric of a child’s character. The parent’s
heart is the child’s schoolroom. We give thanks
for our grandparents. They hold the memory of
the family, and convey to the young in a unique
way the meaning of life’s journey. We pray for
our children. May they always feel cherished
and loved. May they know God and be happy.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, guide us in the year
ahead. ‘If you want to bring happiness to the
whole world, go home and love your family’.
(St.Teresa of Calcutta).