Second Sunday of Easter
‘Jesus came and stood among them’.
This is ‘Low Sunday’, a quieter day after the high drama of Easter. Behind closed doors the disciples are dazed and dispirited. Then Jesus appears and the scene is transformed, but Thomas is not there. Eight days later, he is present when Jesus shows himself to His friends again. He encounters the Lord. He sees, he believes and his life is changed forever. If proof were needed of the power and importance of praying with the community, it is surely to be found in today’s Gospel. Where two or three gather in His name, He is present in their midst. We absent ourselves from the Sunday gathering at a cost. It is the first step on the road to faithlessness. As the water lifts and supports the swimmer so does the praying community lift and support its’ individual members in their search for the living God. Our week will always be more beautiful when we begin it around the table of the Lord. The Christian life was never meant to be solitary. Thomas discovered that truth in a striking way during those first Easter days
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