Our Journey Through Lent Resource Pack



    Our Journey Through Lent’
    The following resources for Lent (photographed above) will be available in
    a white envelope in parishes titled
    ‘Our Journey Through Lent’:
     A folded one page, with the Stations of the Cross,
    using images and short text
     A Postcard with the Breastplate of St. Patrick,
    people would be invited to send this to neighbours
    in Nursing Homes, or isolating at home.
     A ‘Journeying Through Lent’ Sheet: This would
    mention the elements of Lent, and give suggestions
    for prayer.
     A card with prayers for Children preparing for the
    sacraments this year.

    Repent, and believe in the Gospel
    Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return
    ‘Now, now –it is the Lord who speakscome back to me with all your heart, fasting, weeping, mourning.’
    Now is the favourable time: this is the day of salvation.
    Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
    Your Father, who sees all that is done in secret, will reward you.
    □ □ □ □ □
    Lord, our God,
    in every age you call a people
    to hear your word and to do your will.
    Renew us in these Lenten days:
    washed clean of sin, sealed with your Spirit,
    and sustained by your living word,
    may we remain true to our calling and serve you alone.
    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
    who lives and reigns with you,
    and the Holy Spirit,
    God, now and for ever.

    Prayer of the Faithful
    Presider: As we begin our Lenten journey to Easter, we place our needs and the needs of all
    God’s people before the Lord.
    1 We pray for all God’s people as they keep this Ash Wednesday with renewed faith
    in God who calls us to reconciliation and repentance.
    Lord, hear us.
    2 We pray for all who are preparing for Baptism at this time, for our young people
    preparing for First Communion and Confirmation, that they may enjoy God’s
    blessing and the support of their faith communities this Lent.
    Lord, hear us.
    3 We pray for all who are sick and are distressed in mind, body or spirit: that, under
    God’s loving protection, they may be comforted by the care and compassion of
    those who surround them.
    Lord, hear us.
    4 We pray for all who are suffering through poverty, homelessness, loss of work,
    that they may experience peace, justice and hope through the care that is offered
    Lord, hear us.
    5 We pray for Awut and Ajak, their families, and the people of South Sudan, that,
    with the work of Trócaire and our support, their lives may be changed through
    justice, freedom and peace.
    Lord, hear us.
    6 We pray for our faithful departed, that they may enjoy eternal peace and rest. We
    remember all sisters and brothers who have died in this time of Covid-19 and for
    all who mourn the loss of loved one.
    Lord, hear us.
    Presider: Lord God, we ask you to receive our prayers and to answer them according to your
    great mercy. Grant us what we need at this time. We make our prayer through Christ our
    Lord. Amen.

    (From the National Centre for Liturgy)